
30 year

TeamReflect® is the result of over 30 years of dedicated research and development in team dynamics and individual preferences. Our approach is rooted in scientific methods, based on both Norwegian and international research.

Already in the 1990s, Bjørn Z. Ekelund of Human Factors AS began collaborating with leading experts to develop tools that could strengthen team processes and promote innovation. Human Factors AS became the world's largest commercial user of the Team Climate Inventory (TCI).

Based on research work carried out in collaboration with Michael West and others, we, in our Norwegian company, have created and further developed several of our own team development tools and trained over 700 consultants in their use, e.g. Team Performance Inventory (TPI). TPI was organised according to the Input-Prosess-Output model.

30 year
TeamReflect from 2024

TeamReflect from 2024

TeamReflect®, which will be launched in the autumn of 2024, is a continuation of our previous work. The tool incorporates the best of our previous successes such as Diversity Icebreaker® - a simple tool that does not require certification, available to both team leaders and consultants.

In 2005, we revised the TPI to improve reliability. In 2008, we used factor analysis to reduce the number of questions, while maintaining measurement of key development factors. The average reliability was 0.77. This tool was called TeamReflector, and is the core of TeamReflect, which will be launched this autumn (2024).

References section



  1. Ekelund, B.Z. 2019. Unleashing the Power of Diversity. How to Open Minds for Good. Axon (UK)/New York (US): Routledge, Francis & Taylor.
  2. Ekelund, B.Z. and Pluta, P. (eds). 2015. Diversity Icebreaker II. Further perspectives. Oslo: Human Factors Publ.
  3. Ekelund, B.Z. and Langvik. E.(eds) 2008. Diversity Icebreaker. How to manage diversity processes. Oslo: Human Factors Publ.
  4. Ekelund, B.Z. and Jørstad, K., 2002. Team Climate Inventory – intervention manual. (Danish) Danish Psychological Publication.
  5. Vereide, K. and Ekelund, B.Z. 2002.Team development for teachers in school. (Norwegian) Oslo. Oslo kommune.



  1. Kaiser, S., Ekelund, B. Z., Patras, J., and Martinussen, M. 2016. Psychometric Properties of the Norwegian Short Version of the Team Climate Inventory (TCI). Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 8, 18-28.
  2. Ekelund, B. Z. 2009. Cultural Perspectives on Team Consultation in Scandinavia: Experiences and Reflections. Scandinavian Journal of Organisational Psychology, No 2, pp 31-40.
  3. Ekelund, B.Z. 2009. Managing diversity in teams (Norwegian). In Fyhn. H. Kreativ tverrfaglighet, teori og praksis. Oslo: Tapir forlag, pp 182 – 205.
  4. Ekelund, B.Z. 2009. Mapping of team qualities in project leadership teams with TeamReflector (Norwegian). Prosjektledelse, No 1, pp 8-9.
  5. Ekelund, B.Z 2006: Hvordan få til positiv kjemi mellom folk i prosjektteam (Norwegian). Prosjektledelse, No 2.
  6. Maznevski. M.L and Ekelund, B.Z. 2004. Cultural dimensions in action: Democratic elections in post-war Bosnia. Organisational Theory and Practice; Scandinavian Journal of Organisational Psychology, No 1.
  7. Mathisen, G.E. and Ekelund, B.Z. December 2004. Team Climate Inventory (TCI) – a measure of innovation in groups and teams. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association.
  8. Canney-Davison, S. and Ekelund, B.Z. 2004. Team processes in global teams. In: Lane, H., Mendenhall, M., Maznevski, M. L., and McNett, J. (eds.) Handbook of Global Management. A Guide to Managing Complexity. pp 227-249, Blackwell Publishing.
  9. Ekelund, B.Z., Jørstad, K. and Maznevski, M. September 2000. Business Development of the Team Climate Inventory. European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, pp 9-18.
  10. Ekelund, B.Z. 1997. The application of a model which integrates market segmentation and psychological theories to change energy consumption in households. Dissertation MBA. Henley Management College/Brunel University
  11. Ekelund. B.Z., Døscher, H. and Taylor, R. 1996: TCI-presentation. Norwegian Journal of Organisational Psychology. (Norwegian).