Application areas

1. Team development

Improve your team by capitalising on strengths and solving challenges The tool identifies areas for improvement and strengths It helps managers and team members understand their team's needs and provides a better basis for focused leadership. Suitable for all types of teams up to about 30 people

2. Reinforcing a positive work culture

Identify areas that are central to trust and psychological safety, and work purposefully with these Help the team to create a more supportive and safe working environment where members are more willing to offer themselves.

3. Project improvement

The agility factor in TeamReflect will be particularly well suited to identifying challenges in collaboration and how to create improvements in a project team.


4 Conflict management

Improve understanding of the team's qualities, processes and goals and get a better basis for discussing disagreements and value differences in a constructive way

Application area part 1
Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash
Application area part 2
Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

5. Leadership and management development

Provide insights for better decision making. The tool contributes to raising awareness, discussing results, preparing for anchoring in the team, evaluating change over time and sharing experiences.

6. Strengthening employee empowerment

Increase the degree of reflection and self-determination in the team. The tool promotes a culture where employees take responsibility and contribute to the team's development.

7. Awareness for individuals

Test your own perception of your team in relation to norms, free of charge. The free version of TeamReflect can be a useful awareness-raising process, but you don't get an overall measurement of your team.